Testimonials from some of our clients

“Having a supervisor that understands but also lives the intricacies of having multiple roles and wanting to provide the utmost ethical care to clients has been amazing. I only hope that I can continue to develop and maintain my professional relationship through the years.” 

- Carla E.

“In my time as supervisor with Joyce I felt so supported and encouraged. She not only kept me on track with my goals, but took my whole personhood into consideration and helped me navigate client issues. She truly is one of the best supervisors of color I have had the chance to be mentored by!” 

Adeola Q.

"I highly recommend Joyce as a supervisor. She is knowledgeable in different cultures, sexual preferences, and states! Joyce provides experience from four additional states and their laws. She is consistent in her supervision and always available when I needed advice.  If I had it to do all over again, I would choose Joyce hands down!"

- Trisha M.

LMFT Associate Testimonial